Saturday, October 4, 2008

A new bed

So today Sydney, Grant and I headed out to find ourselves a new bed. We wanted a bunk bed that has a twin on top and a full on the bottom. So we happened to go by a garage sale sign.
Sydney suggested that we stop and check it out. I started to pray and ask God if He would make it easy to find this bed we wanted and it would be inexpensive.

As we were getting out of the car I saw a friend of mine that I went to M.O.P.S with at Word of Grace a few years back. Then the one friend turned into two. So we talked for a few minuets and I shared with them what adventure we were on. Lynn let me know that her neighbor had a bunk bed for sale and I thought NO WAY! Come to find out, it was JUST WHAT WE WANTED AND NEEDED! And it came with a twin and full mattress for the unbelievable price of $100.00!!!! I had been looking at them new and they were $300.00 and up. Yeah God!!!!We all want it to be white so, we started painting ....(which we figured out was going to be quite the job!)Grant was helping too but the button on the spray paint can was a little tough to push down. =0( We are now in the process of trying to figure out how to get the job done easier! =0) We will keep you posted!

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